A-Z Index

Jim Walker



2680 Colden Hall



Joined Northwest in 1988



  • Ph.D. Marketing
    • Psychology minor
  • M.B.A. Management
  • B.S. Marketing and Management

Courses Taught

  • Principles of Marketing
  • Promotion
  • Strategic Marketing

Academic Interests

  • Customer satisfaction
  • Services marketing

Scholarly Activity

  • Walker, J., & Russell, D. (2011). An Empirical Assessment, and Exploratory Study, of Emotional Intelligence Through Interviews with Sales Professionals and Sales Managers. Academy of Business Research Journal, Vol. II.
  • Walker, J., & Russell, D. (2011). An Empirical Assessment, and Exploratory Study, of Emotional Intelligence Through Interviews with Sales Professionals and Sales Managers. Human Cognition in Evolution & Development eJournal, Vol. 3, Issue 18. Editor requested abstract.
  • Walker, J., & Russell, D. (2011). An Empirical Assessment, and Exploratory Study, of Emotional Intelligence in the Personal Selling Field. Academy of Business Research Conference Proceedings. Abstract only.
  • Walker, J., & Russell, D. (2011). An Empirical Assessment, and Exploratory Study, of Emotional Intelligence in the Personal Selling Field. Personnel Management eJournal, Vol. 3, Issue 36.  Editor requested abstract.
  • Walker, J. (2010). Customer Satisfaction:  Oh What a Feeling. Midwestern Business and Economic Review, No. 46, pp. 43-49.
  • Walker, J. (2010). The Satisfied Customer:  Winners and Losers in the Battle for Buyer Preference (Book Review). Regional Business Review, Vol. 29, pp. 65-66.
  • Walker, J. (2007). Discovering the Soul of Service (Book Review). Regional Business Review, Vol. 26, pp. 109-111.
  • Walker, J. (2006). Quality:  A Customer Perception. Regional Business Review (Centennial Issue on Quality), Vol. 25, pp. 45-60.
  • Walker, J., & Kenkel, C. (2004). Gender and Performance Appraisal Discomfort. Midwestern Business and Economic Review, No. 34(fall), pp.1-8.
  • Billesbach, T., & Walker, J. (2003). Stalking Goliath:  What Successful Small Businesses are Doing Against Major Discount Chains. Journal of Business & Entrepreneurship, Vol. 15(No. 2), pp. 1-17.
  • Walker, J. (2003). Customer Value:  Marketing’s Latest, Greatest, and Perhaps Ultimate Mantra. Regional Business Review, Vol. 22, pp. 94-103.
  • Walker, J. (2001). Student Expectations and Communication:  Avoiding a Common Team Project Problem in Lamb, Hair, & McDaniel (eds.). Great Ideas in Teaching Marketing, sixth edition.
  • Walker, J. (2001). The Marketing Imagination:  Book Review. Regional Business Review, Vol. 20, pp. 146-148.
  • Walker, J., & Baker, J. (2000). An Exploratory Study of a Multi-Expectation Framework for Services. Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 14 (No. 5), pp. 411-429.
  • Walker, J., & Spaeth, B. (2000). An Empirical Assessment of Expectations Throughout the Service Consumption Process. Regional Business Review, Vol. 19, pp. 32-47.
  • Walker, J., & Nandan, S. (1998). What New Marketing Realities?… Build Brand Equity. Regional Business Review, Vol. 17, pp. 35-49.
  • Baker, J., & Walker, J. (1995). Consumer Expectations of Health Clubs:  Testing the Zone of Tolerance. American Association for Advances in Health Care Research Conference Publication.
  • Walker, J. (1995). Service Encounter Satisfaction:  Conceptualized. The Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 9 (No. 1), pp. 5-14.
  • Walker, J. (1994). Assimilation/Contrast Effects:  The Effects of Expectations Across the Goods/ Services Continuum. Dissertation.
  • Walker, J., & Bahn, K. (1992). Consumer Satisfaction and the Service Encounter:  An Extended Conceptualization. First Annual Services Marketing Conference:  Frontiers in Services Publication.

Other Professional Experience

  • Advertising sales
  • Marketing coordinator